We decorated our house with Christmas lights this weekend. After we got done I had the kids do a little experiment. Below are pictures from 3 different iPhones.

This is a picture with an iPhone 3GS.
This is a picture with an iPhone 4. This is a quality picture.
This is a picture with an iPhone 4S. Noticably better than the iPhone 4 - which was good.
The clarity on this photo is really amazing. The iPhone 4S claims to have an 8 megapixel camera. I believe it after looking at these pictures. For futher proof - compare the picture from the 4S to the picture below.
This is really an amazing accomplishment for a camera phone. I don't know why anyone would ever buy a point and shoot digital camera.
Below is a comparison of the pictures from the 4S to the Nikon D90 zoomed in on our front door. The darker one on the left is the Nikon D90, the one on the right is the iPhone 4S. The Nikon picture is better - but it is certainly close.
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