Misty and I grew up in a small town in rural Missouri called Windsor. For the past 25+ years it has had a population of around 3,000 people. Windsor has no stoplight, only a blinking red light in the center of the town’s main street at the “four-way stop.” It is called the “four-way” because it is the only place in town that has a stop sign on all four corners. Teenagers, and those that think they are still teenagers, still cruise up and down main street, stopping only at the four-way just like they did when I was in high school in Windsor.
By all accounts, Windsor is a sleepy little town that, like others in rural America, is struggling. There are few jobs, no real entertainment options and poor infrastructure. There are very few retail shops and even restaurants struggle to stay in business. Hot water in the town smells like rotten eggs and the streets are in constant need of repair. To the outsider, this place may seem like a dead-end in the middle of America.
While it is true that Windsor is not exactly a prime vacation destination, our family loves this town. Not just because it is our “hometown,” or because our family and many friends still live in Windsor – but because it is a great place with character and charm, filled with real people that are generally happy with life. Windsor has many positive attributes and one of its best is the annual 4
th of July celebration at
Farrington Park put on by the Lion’s Club of Windsor. This is a fun all-day event filled with games, food, music and fireworks. The events include:
- Frog Race
- Turtle Race
- Egg Race
- Sack Race
- Egg Toss
- Water Balloon Toss
- Softball Throw
- Watermelon Eating Contest
- Nail Driving Contest
- Cardboard Boat Race
- Local Music
- Fireworks Extravaganza (so to speak)
For many years, our family has come back to Windsor for this July 4th event. Our family always has a great time. For us, it actually is a vacation destination.
For those that know us, it will come as no surprise that we love the competitions. The egg toss, balloon toss and softball throw are a few of our favorites. In years past, our family has done a fairly well taking home a number of first second or third place ribbons.
This year, our family goal was to get 8 ribbons (think "Cheaper by the Dozen 2").
It was going to be tough because Shawn Jr. (who did really well last year) was now in the 10 to 12 year old division. Noelle and Triniti have traditionally not liked to do the events and Misty is 8 months pregnant, taking her out of the running. That put some serious pressure on Brittany and me.
As luck would have it, we won exactly 8 ribbons. I came up empty, Shawn Jr. only won 1 but the girls won 7! Results were:
Triniti - First Place in the Egg Race
Noelle - First Place in the Water Balloon Toss
Noelle - Second Place in the Egg Toss
Noelle - Third Place in the Softball Throw (71 feet)
Shawn Jr. - Third Place in the Softball Throw (111 feet)
Brittany - Second Place in the Egg Race
Brittany - Second Place in the Softball Throw (112 feet)
Brittany - Second Place in the Water Balloon Toss
It was a very good time. The kids had fun and it was nice to see family.
Below are a few pictures from the day.
The Helms kids just before the fireworks
The girls dancing and having a great time.
Triniti just before the start of her winning egg race competition.
Angie and Vicki before the adult egg race.
Skylin looking over the lake.
Skylin catching a bubble.
Brittany showing
Skylin the way.
Skylin and Drew in the waggon.
Brittany before her winning water balloon toss.
Noelle throwing for distance in the softball throw.
Brittany with her second place ribbon from the softball throw.
The girls on the lake.

The family having a water fight on the lake.

The kids on the marry-go-round. The very same marry-go-round I rode as a kid.

My brother Jerry with his Windsor Fire Department shirt. Jerry and the other members of the fire department set off the
fireworks at the end of the night.

Drew playing in the sand.

Clifton have some fun with the glow stick right at dusk.

Brittany preparing for her next music video.

The Helms kids loving Grandma's
glow sticks.
Triniti looking cute - as usual.
The night ended with some good fireworks . . .