As many of you know we homeschool our children – except for Brittany. Brittany started the 7th grade this year at Cain Middle School. Cain is a large middle school in Rockwall, Texas. Over 700 students started Cain in Brittany's 7th grade class. She was a little apprehensive about the new experience.
See my blog entry about her first day of school.
Today is Brittany's last day of school. I believe this year was a (nearly) unqualified success. Brittany did great academically, athletically and socially. Below are some of her more noteworthy accomplishments:
- Received straight As in every class, on every report card
- Was "commended" for her TAKS score in all subjects (math, reading, and writing)
- Her lowest final grade was a 95
- Her average final grade for all classes was a 97
- Recognized as a "Cain Scholar"
- Had the highest grade in her class on numerous tests throughout the year
- Was selected for A-team in volleyball
- Was selected to the A-team in basketball
- Was the starting point guard on the basketball team
- Was the starting middle on the volleyball team
- Received the award for "Most Outstanding Basketball Player" (7th grade girls)
- One of 16 students selected for PALS
- One of 3 students to be awarded the Loan Star Leadership Award
I also think Brittany challenged some of her teachers' views of homeschooled students.
Here is Brittany with a group of her closet friends on the last day of school.

Great work Brittany! One year down.