Today Noelle tried out and made a top select/club volleyball team located in Plano called MadFrog. MadFrog has three 11 year old teams National (A Team), Elite (B Team), and Select (C Team). All 3 teams at the 11 year old level at MadFrog are good. Noelle played great and made their top team - the National team. We signed the contract today and Noelle is now officially a MadFrog!
If you don't know anything about club volleyball - you would be amazed at how intense it is. Volleyball is huge in North Texas. Although Texas is famous for its high school football- all youth sports in Texas are hyper-competitive. Our kids play select basketball, baseball, gymnastics and volleyball. Every one of those sports is crazy good in the Dallas area. I say that only to give you a sense of this accomplishment. As you will read below, MadFrog is maybe the top club for younger teams in the entire state and Noelle just made their top team at her age - which should be one of the top teams in the DFW region at the 11 year old level. They have been the top 11 year old team in DFW 4 years in a row.
Below is the card they gave her after tryouts.
Noelle after tryouts

This is MadFrog's new facility in Plano. It just opened a few month ago.