Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Jewell's Picturesque (but Fraudulent) Marketing Material

Misty and I went to undergraduate school at a great little liberal arts college in Liberty, Missouri called William Jewell College.  I  loved my time at WJC.  In fact, Noelle was named after WJC (Noelle Jewell Helms).  

Tonight I got a card from William Jewell asking for a donation.  The front of the card contained a beautiful picture of the quad - a little too beautiful.  Can you tell why this picture is clearly a fake? 

* You don't need to know anything about WJC to find the answer.  Post a comment if you figure it out.


Anonymous said...

The sun/light? Fraudulent? Really?

Anonymous said...

Do we know if that is the sun or the moon in the picture? I suppose the sun could be rising elsewhere and that orb on the horizon could be the moon. The shadows suggest that orb isn't the sun.

Anonymous said...

That is not where the sun rises nor sets! They have it from the rising/setting from the North - clearly wrong!

Heather '03 and current employee, sorry we dont' know our sense of direction - however, please send in your donation for a correction card. :)

Shawn said...

I have never seen the moon (after sunrise) shine like that. The orb on the horizon is an artificial version of the sun. Looks like some serious Photoshop work.

Anonymous said...

No worries, I have asked our marketing department... we'll have answers later.

and it doesnt look like the moon to me at all....

Anonymous said...


It is a glowing orb. Do we really need to weigh it down with labels like “sun” or “moon”? And concepts like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west are so literal. He should probably just make a donation.

jerrynixon said...

I don't see any problem with it. It's just as Dr. Eichhoefer said it would be. We laughed then, but who's laughing now?