Monday, September 05, 2011

OMG - No Texting Language

Have you ever received a text from someone and could not figure out what they were saying? Abbreviations every third word. Abbreviations for no reason. "k" for "ok". Saving one letter? Really. Even "ok" is an abbreviation for "okay."

In our family everyone uses full words when they text another person. This started out as an education initiative. Misty thought it would be good if the kids could get practice on their spelling while texting. However, this has turned into something that all of our kids have adopted as a matter of principle. Brittany made the point early on (when she got her phone years ago) that using "texting language" sends the message to the person that you are texting that you don't have time or don't care to make the time to text real words. It is like saying - "I want to make this easy on me and hard on you because my time is more important than your time." It is just a matter of respect.

Below is a text between Brittany and I recently:

I know this view may seem a little over the top, but I think there is something to it.

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